Dreaming Shabby style in Tuscany

ブランマリクロの始まりは、姉妹の曾祖父Albert Federighiが1926年にイタリア・ピサで始めたファブリック、特に防水布の貿易業にあります。その後、カット売りのファブリック販売で成功を収めた祖父Enrico、商品群をホームテキスタイル全域に広げた父Robin。ビジネスは受け継がれ、2001年、MariangelaとClaudiaにより、現在のブランマリクロの前身となる生活雑貨を中心としたインテリアショップ「Blanc」がフィレンツェに誕生します。
後に、スタイリングのコンセプトとして姉妹の想いを反映させるべく、2人の名前 "Mari"angelaと"Clau"diaからの造語MariCloを付け、ブランド名をBlanc MariClo'「ブランマリクロ」に変更。ファッションのように春夏と秋冬の年2回コレクションを発表しています。


Mariangela Federighi
"We win together"
When I started Blanc MariClò toghether with my sister Claudia, I was determined to create a line for the home that was romantic and country at the same time, because it did reflect my story, my life where I was born.
The Tuscan Country, where I lived and surraounded me, was my inspiration. The name Blanc Mariclò and its logo were created and hand designed in our first store in Florence, where I still remember being seated on the floor with no chairs nor furnitures among dust and rubbles.
Today, mum of 3 and continuously travelling, I get my inspirations from countries aroud the world, and from fashion..which is always in movement…a bit like me...
Claudia Federighi
"It's only rock and roll but I like it"
As perhaps all women, I am millions of seemingly contrasting things together: I like playing piano but I also love rock music, classical dance but also snowboarding. I love being in the country, and the season I prefer is autumn.
Everyone says that Mariangela and I are very similar, but we feel very different even if we have those identical and strong principles that guide us in dealing with life and therefore also work.
Blanc MariClò is the expression of ourselves. Creativity is something very close to its essence and every new collection is always a bit to reveal ourselves. The inspirations are the result of study, research, curiosity.